Blog announcements house meetings utility costs cuts news Poject polls refurbishments Major refurb projects of 2018 Dear All, albeit the year has passed on without much happenings on the refurb front, we put it all in 15-11-2018 Owner occupiers vs the world Dear Owners and Residents, I would like to give a quick heads-up on the recent changes in the ownership status 15-02-2018 March Water Meter Reading Dear Residents! We kindly ask you to provide us with your current water meter readings. In order to correctly set 01-03-2017 Orphan bikes Dear Owners! The 8th district has its annual junk collection on the 6th of March. (So far no news about 01-03-2017 Spring has sprung! House meetings….. Dear Owners, There is so much to do and talk about that it is necessary to organize several house meetings 26-02-2017 Utility costs reduction 2017 january Public announcement regarding the government initiated utiliy cost reduction up to the month of january 2017. Concept and basic vocabulary Utility costs 26-02-2017 Utility costs reduction 2016 december Concept and basic vocabulary Utility costs reduction: A price cut on energy bills introduced by the current Hungarian government in 26-02-2017 Utility costs reduction 2016 november Concept and basic vocabulary Utility costs reduction: A price cut on energy bills introduced by the current Hungarian government in 26-02-2017